
2020年7月23日—AirBattery-airpodspro1.0安卓版應用最新下載。通過此吊艙控制應用程序(最好的空氣電池應用程序)輕鬆控制吊艙。,ThisAirpodappdisplaysthecurrentbatterystateofyourAppleAirPodsgeneration1/2andAirpodProoryourBeatsbyDr.Dre(Gen3).,SeethecurrentbatterychargeofAppleAirPods(Pro)orBeatsX&CoonAndroid.ThisAirpodappdisplaysthecurrentbatterystateofyourAppleAirPods ...,2023年7月18日—Unconditiona...

Air Battery

2020年7月23日 — Air Battery - airpods pro 1.0安卓版應用最新下載。通過此吊艙控制應用程序(最好的空氣電池應用程序)輕鬆控制吊艙。


This Airpod app displays the current battery state of your Apple AirPods generation 1/2 and Airpod Pro or your Beats by Dr. Dre (Gen 3).

AirBattery APK for Android Download

See the current battery charge of Apple AirPods (Pro) or BeatsX & Co on Android. This Airpod app displays the current battery state of your Apple AirPods ...

AirBattery Mod Apk 1.5.2 [Pro] free download

2023年7月18日 — Unconditional use of gold coins and diamond upgrades or shopping! [Note] The game needs Google framework, please install the 'Google ...


This Airpod app displays the current battery state of your Apple AirPods generation 1/2 and Airpod Pro or your Beats by Dr. Dre (Gen 3).

AirPods are connected, but I cannot see the battery level.

If you've use AirPods Gen. 2 or Powerbeats Pro, please advice here first. Please go through the following steps: Put the AirPods back into the case, wait for ...

AirPods Pro (第2 代)

全新適應性音訊可根據你所處的環境,智慧調整噪音控制的程度。 空間音訊帶來非凡的個人化體驗,給你全新境界的沉浸感。 充電一次就有6 小時的電池續航力。

Download Air Battery

Download the latest version of Air Battery - airpods pro (1.0) APK for Android. Control your pods easily by this pods control app, best air battery app.

你的Airpods Pro 可以用多久?3 個延長Airpods 使用壽命的好 ...

2022年12月23日 — 根據apple 官方的說明,AirPods Pro 2 代使用了更大的電池!在電池續航上比前一代多了1.5 小時的使用時間,也就是6 個小時!通話時間則跟AirPods 3 差不多 ...

關於AirPods 的充電方式以及電池續航力

... Pro 電池完全放電,直到其中一邊AirPod Pro 停止播放為止。電力耗盡的AirPods Pro 會再充電至100%,然後繼續播放音訊,直到其中一邊AirPod Pro 停止播放為止。測試重複 ...